Wednesday, December 12
Hello everyone
Before this diary of ours gets into a state of hypovolaemic shock and die of boredom, i thought probably i should start getting it back on its toes. Praises to God, we're already ending our 5th week of posting. yes people of the world, only 7 weeks more to go. if getting through this 5 weeks been a tough one for any of you, trust me, the next 7 weeks will be a breeze.
Truth is, i just miss you girls a lot. No point sending smses. everyone has different schedules and getting replies from it may seem ages. But sometimes i don't mind, because i think by smsing you girls, at least i'm alerting you girls that you are not forgotten. People please memorize claire's home no. from now. haha. until her samsung hp finds its way back into claire's hands.
I'm already picturing the 6 of us, in our grad gowns, posing for pictures, all 6, with no missing gaps or heads. I'm waiting for that day, partly because we will be officially declared as RNs, and most importantly, because it will reunite all 6 of us, no less.
It's impossible to say we have all been forced to move into the society. But the memories of yesterday remains, for today, tomorrow and the days after tomorrow, you 5 will always be the sweethearts who led me through my pre-adulthood years..
So sometimes if i fail to let you know that you're on my mind, do drop me a message, i may be the one needing that sms. =)
loving you 5. always ok.
signed, sealed, delivered with a kiss: brownie suszy.
chocolate-spongecake @ 10:03 PM